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Fall Overseeding in Lincoln, NE

Overseeding each fall introduces new grass plants into your lawn, enhancing its density, resilience, and overall health for a lush, vibrant appearance.

Fall Overseeding Service

Fall is usually the best time of year to over-seed for a few reasons including:


  • Soil temperatures being more favorable for seed germination

  • Less weed competition for new grass plants

  • Lack of pre-emergent herbicides in the soil during this time of year

Hand holding grass seed getting ready to overseed the lawn

Best results are paired with Aeration!




How often should I overseed my lawn?

Lawns that are overseeded annually in late summer or early fall are typically the healthiest.


However, overseeding every other year still provides significant benefits. Regular overseeding increases the density and thickness of your lawn, and as the new grass matures, it naturally outcompetes weeds that tend to thrive in thinner lawns.

How long does it take for new grass to grow after overseeding?

Germination typically takes about 10-14 days after planting.

How soon can I mow my lawn after overseeding?

It’s best to wait until the new grass has reached a height of at least 3 inches before mowing after overseeding.


Mowing too early can damage the new grass, so be sure the grass is well-established and has had time to grow before cutting. Additionally, make sure to set your mower to a higher setting to avoid cutting the grass too short.

How long will it take to see results?

You will typically notice a thicker and healthier lawn 4-6 weeks after overseeding.

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Young girl running through a green yard managed by Newton's Lawncare in Lincoln, NE

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Newtons Lawncare

PO box 6471

Lincoln, NE 68506

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